Wonder Week 19

I have a great book called “The Wonder Weeks” that describes several big developmental growth weeks in babies’ lives. One of the big ones is Week 19, and Andrea just went through it – it was really obvious. She’s really figuring things out.

Wednesday night Andrea all of a sudden slept 6 hours straight. She hasn’t slept like that in almost 2 months. Since then, she’s been sleeping for a 5-6 hour stretch during the night. It’s been wonderful. Then Saturday she woke up from a nap and I reached my arms out to her (like I do every time) before picking her up, and she reached back to me for the first time! She was clearly mimicking me. And she’s done it every time Paul or I have gone to pick her up since then.

After he nap on Saturday afternoon, I brought her downstairs and I while I was changing her, I let her play on the floor a little while naked. She started squirming around and within a few minutes had rolled over from her back to her tummy for the first time! It’s like she woke up from her nap smarter. 🙂 She rolled over onto her tummy twice more on Saturday, but she doesn’t like to be on her tummy so it makes her kind of mad. I’m sure she’ll be rolling all around in no time!

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