Big week for milestones

I thought I should post an update because this has been a big week for Andrea. She is a completely different baby than she was last week practically! In one week, she hit all of these milestones…

Tuesday – Starting rolling around the floor to get places. (She could roll over both ways since she was 4 months old, but she refused to roll on to her stomach more than a few times because she hated being on her tummy.) But all of a sudden, she realized she could roll from one end of the room to the other! We also moved her to her convertible carseat on Tuesday, and she seems a lot more comfortable now instead of squished in her infant seat.

Tuesday night – She slept through the night!!! (Edit: This would prove to be short-lived, but it was nice while it lasted.)

Thursday – Threw her first tantrum. She was sitting and playing with my cell phone, and when I took it away, she started screaming and flung herself on the ground. Her face was bright red and she was bawling her eyes out. My little drama queen!

Friday – Starting waving reguarly, often with both hands and for no reason whatsoever. She waved a few times before, but only with lots of encouragement and never enthusiastically. Now she waves a lot and grins from ear to ear like it’s the greatest thing on earth. She also waves repeatedly while nursing, so I think she may not know the difference between waving and the sign for milk (which I’ve been trying to teach her, but I’m not very consistent).

Sunday – Apparently Andrea wanted to make a big deal of SuperBowl Sunday, so she hit two big milestones in one day – she crawled for the first time AND she got herself into a sitting position from laying down! Here’s some cell phone video of her crawling on Sunday.

Other things she’s been doing lately… flipping pages in her lift the flap books, pulling up on things enough to grab things off tables and the ottoman and such, babbling a lot and making “mmm” sounds – not quite “mama” though, putting things in and taking things out of containers… I can’t believe how much she’s grown up!

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