More Andrea Funnies

Just a few things I’ve been meaning to post…

– Andrea’s getting heavy (just shy of 30 pounds now), and so a lot of times when I’m carrying her I end up commenting on how heavy she is. She has taken this to mean that I am unable to carry her because I am too heavy. So sometimes when I go to pick her up, she starts fussing or crying and saying, “No! You’re too heavy, Mom!” often followed by “Daddy’s not too heavy.” Just what every mother wants to hear.

– She got silly bandz in a goody bag from her friend Jillian’s birthday party over the summer. She loves them. We only let her play with one or two at the time and I put the rest away, but she treated the thing like it was her baby, taking it everywhere, talking about it constantly… She kept saying, “Somebody took all of them,” knowing that she actually got more in her goody bag. So I helped her “look for them” one day and we found them (on my chest of drawers, where I put them the day of the party). She was ecstatic. She knows all the ones she has, and can tell you from across the room what shape one is by it’s color. And she knows which ones she has multiple colors of and everything. It’s creepy. She doesn’t get to wear them out of he house though, because she wore one to the store once and lost it, and she sobbed endlessly the whole way home. I would have thought she was too young to really get them, but she loves them. The other day, she told me that silly bandz are “awesome.” (Her new favorite word.)

– She told her first joke! While were we at our family’s lake house in Missouri visiting with relatives, someone asked her about her trip to visit my parents in Park City. They asked her if she liked all the dogs, and what their names were. She said, “Duke… Molly… Bob!” (My mom has 5 dogs, none of which are named Bob.) But we tease her and say things are named Bob all the time as a joke, and she picked up on it and told a joke back! (To give you an idea, if we ask, “Does he have a name?” about a stuffed animal or something and she doesn’t answer, we say, “Is it Bob?” and she laughs. Or if she says, “What’s his name?” about something/someone, we jokingly answer, “Bob!” and she’ll say, “No it’s not!”)

– Whenever we’re on the phone, we try to remind her to be quiet (although usually once we’re on the phone she instantly needs to go potty, get a drink, have a snack, and hold something she can’t reach and screams about all it all). But the other day, she was talking on a play phone of hers, and looked up at Paul and me, and said, “Quiet!” We just about died laughing.

2 thoughts on “More Andrea Funnies

  1. Amy

    With the “You’re too heavy” thing, it must be a 2 year old thing, Blake gets the same confusion/reversal when he speaks about who or what he is describing. When a piece of clothing is too small he’ll say “I’m too little for it” (when he means “it’s too little for me”), or “I want me to tickle Mommy” (when he means “I want Mommy to tickle me”). I could see him doing the exact same thing with the heavy – if I said “you’re too heavy” he doesn’t translate the “you” into “I” – he just keeps it as “you” and says back “you’re too heavy” (not what a mommy wants to hear). 🙂

  2. Mom

    Andrea used to have a lot of trouble with I/me, but she’s gotten pretty good. “Carry you” vs. “carry me” has been the hardest for her though, and I guess the “You’re too heavy” comments are related to that.

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