Category Archives: firsts

Busy day!

Our friends Darryn and Ellen are in town this weekend to visit us and see Andrea, and Paul’s cousin Kim drove down to visit also, so we took our guests to the Georgia Aquarium today. It was Andrea’s first outing in her stroller (other than a little walk down the street) and her first trip to the Aquarium of course. She is a little too young to enjoy the fish, but she really liked the staring at the lights. She especially loved the color-changing lights in the atrium and the blue glow of the big jellyfish exhibit. 🙂

Then in the evening, we took Andrea to her first wedding! One of Kelley’s friends from Emory was getting married at the Chapel at Glenn Memorial UMC on Emory’s campus. We all got dressed up and went to the wedding and the reception at the Michael C. Carlos Museum (also at Emory). It was an extra special wedding, because Kelley’s friend Susan was the minister. In between the wedding and dinner, Andrea took a bottle of breastmilk from Dad! She took to it right away and drank well. We won’t be doing that often, but it will be nice to have the option of using an occassional bottle. The table we found at the reception was right by the band, so it was quite loud, but Andrea slept in her sling right through the whole thing, so Mom had her hands free. Yay!

We came home exhausted from our long day, and after feeding Andrea, we both fell sound asleep for six straight hours – from 11pm to 5am! She slept this long a couple days before, but it was from about 9pm-3am and Mom didn’t go to sleep at the same time, so it wasn’t as refreshing for Mom.


Andrea gave Mom her first real smile early in the morning on May 12th, one day before her 1 month birthday. And a couple days later, Dad saw her give him a real smile.

UPDATE: It took us a while to capture this adorable smile with a camera, so we didn’t start getting pictures of it for another week or two. But now that we have pictures, it’s pretty exciting!

One month old!

To celebrate Andrea’s one month birthday, we dressed her up in her first dress (a gift from Connie’s friend Kat and her mom), and took her to visit Dad at his office for the first time. All the ladies in the office had fun holding her and seeing Paul hold her. Apparently, they were having a hard time imagining Paul as a dad. But then they realized how comfortable he looked holding his little girl, and they were very impressed. 🙂

First bridal shower

Last night, I took Andrea to my friend Lynn’s bridal shower. I fed her right before we left home, and she slept the whole way there in her carseat, and then slept in her sling cozied up to Mom during the shower. I was able to eat and visit with everyone without interruption. Andre managed to sleep for over 3 straight hours – what an angel!

First Bath

Andrea had her first bath on Monday, April 28th. She loved it! She was so calm, from the moment we put her in her little tub. She just looked around peacefully while we squeezed warm water from the washcloth over her and then washed her hair and cleaned her all up. Mom was mostly responsible for the bathing, while Grandma videotaped and Dad took pictures.

She did NOT like when it was time to get out, however. We think the cool air was a little too much for her. She started crying as soon as we took her out of the tub and didn’t really calm down until we put her a fleece sleep sack to warm her up and fed her.